Grrr… *mutters cursewords at EA*

Okay, there’s a bit of a problem, my game has decided to fail on me. So I’m in the process of downloading Rose and starting the legacy again, so I’ll rebuild it but if this happens again I will start a new legacy 🙂

Wish me luck rebuilding, hopefully I’ll be able to post soon!!



*EDIT* Okay everything’s fixed, Rose is pregnant with (hopefully) the twins again and the house has had a makeover, which will be unveiled tomorrow! Just need to get Master Controlling on Rose’s pregnancy now, s’later!

Gen 1:7 Sugar and Spice..

3 months after our intended baby-making woohoo I began to feel very sick. But I didn’t want to get to over-excited or tell Edward for that matter, I just waited. Waited for the inevitable weight gain (unless you’re one of those lucky girls from “I didn’t know I was pregnant”)


Eventually the sickness wore off, but I soon noticed my stomach was blowing up, I ran up the stairs to Edward, who was Playing with Liam and showing him the portrait of me,



“Liam, whose gonna be daddy’s painter? Who’s gonna paint a lovely picture of your sister?” He jiggled him in the air while Liam squealed with delight

“Mwe!! I paint piture of my sistr!!” Edward smiled at Liam and nodded,

“Yes! You’re gonna be a big painter!!” Liam clapped his hands then saw me,

“Daddy, mommy’s here!! Yay!!” Edward turned around and did a double take,

“Christ! Why are you wearing that top?” He looked very confused at my sudden change of clothing, and taste.

“Because oh-so tactful husband of mine, nothing else fits.”

“Are you pregnant?!”

“Either that or I’m stocking up for the winter”

He laughed at me,

“You’re always going to be beautiful to me, fat or thin. Lets get downstairs before Liam starts demanding food.”

He carrried Liam downstairs and I followed him, waddling like a penguin. When Liam was seated I felt a little nudge in my stomach and smiled.


“I meant what I said, you know.”

“About what?”

“About you being beautiful no matter what.”

My cheeks flushed crimson, but a pain distracted me from returning his sentiment, this time I felt my waters break and knew how to push and when. Edward picked up Liam and put him down to play with his toys while he helped me deliver, we couldn’t move Liam, but thankfully he took no notice.


Meet Summer Tempest,


And her twin, Scarlett Tempest,


Heir Poll Coming Soon!