Gen 7:8 Last Chance


“Hello? Anyone else back yet?” Sophia called out once we were inside, we heard a door open and a girl came running down the stairs,


“Hey guys!!”


“The one and only, like the toned down hair?”

“Love it! It’s very different!” Daphne smiled at us and then gestured to the stairs,

“Well go get unpacked and get changed, the rest of the girls should be arriving soon and we’re going out to a bonfire party on the beach!” Eventually all the others arrived and at like 9pm we made our way down to the beach, it looked so odd now that it was completely empty! Usually its ram packed but it is the middle of the night!


Since being home with my parents I realised how much I actually enjoyed the parties Daphne threw, she knew how to keep all her guests entertained. Since this was the last term Sophia and I would have we knew we had to make the most of it, and for Sophia that involved streaking while completely out of her tree, for me that involved trying not to get so drunk I wouldn’t wake up with no recollection of what had happened. As I looked over at Sophia I saw her getting a finger wagging from a police officer who told her that streaking is an offence, and all my dear sister was doing was yawning in his face!


When I saw her being dragged off to the car I quickly ran after them and spoke with the officer, claiming Sophia had a mental handicap, thankfully he believed me but insisted that Sophia was taken back to the sorority with someone to look after her, I was about to volunteer when Patricia pulled me back and insisted she went with them. She wouldn’t listen to me protesting, just told Jemma to go get me another drink.


“Hey Mina! How’s the family? I mean.. besides Sophia.” Alyssa had come running over to me,

“They’re good, although mum and dad decided to completely disturb Sophia and I with their PDA’s. Yours?”


“Well, mum and dad decided to drop the bomb that they’re getting divorced. Over Christmas dinner, in front of my grandma, so that was eventful. Mum wants me to move to France with her.”

“Ah man, Lyss I’m so sorry to hear that!” Alyssa shrugged,

“Like I didn’t know anyway. You begin to get suspicious when your dad starts sleeping in your brother’s room.”


Most of us staggered home when the sun began to rise, all of us aching for our beds, as we all stumbled through the door Daphne grinned at everyone,

“And that, ma petites enfants, is how you return to uni!” Her comment was met with various groans and moans of needing sleep and final exams.


“Hey nerd, get up, Daph’s making breakfast!” Sophia threw a cushion at me and I reluctantly slid out of bed, half crawling down the stairs,


“So I was thinking, we can go on a study night to the library tonight? Never to early to start preparing, besides dad will flip shit if we fail the finals!” I nodded, sleepily chewing on the pancakes Daphne had made for everyone. After a while the sugar rush kicked in and I found a quiet room to study in.




“C’mon loser! Exam day!” Sophia sat up, her hair sticking up in all directions, and she stumbled into the bathroom, coming out an hour later,

“How long do we have?”

“50 minutes, but we’ll need to leave in about half an hour.” She nodded and returned to the bathroom to brush her teeth.


“Good luck Mimi!”

“You too Soph!”


“So how did that go?” I asked Sophia as she pulled me into a hug,

“It wasn’t that bad actually! You?” I shrugged, I’d found it easy, now all we had to do was wait till the end of the week thanks to the University’s grading system. The week was a tense one, Daphne threw no parties and we were all pent up by results day,


With shaking hands I opened my emails, and burst out laughing, I’d passed! With flying colours apparently! Grinning, I turned to Sophia who was sitting on the floor, she read her email intently, then her face cracked into a grin,

“Looks like this bitch isn’t getting disinherited anytime soon!” We phoned our parents who cried down the phone, because they were so proud I hope. They also told us Hannah had given birth to a girl who she had named Ariel, she was perfectly healthy, and Hannah was coping just fine, although she was looking forward to having two babysitters on dial when we came home the next week.